Tuesday, November 26, 2019


The size of memory for the entity. The trap indicates that a kind of resource is not enough on the specified entity. For Port entities, it may have the following values. The fault may or may not be disabling. If something wrong occurs and the unit cannot merge into stack, the value of this instance will be stackPortFailed This is the physical attribute of entity. hh3c mib

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The transceiver module will be invalidated in days. The private MIB file includes the general extent information of the device.

The device version information of the entity such as chassis, module, and so on. This table contains one row per physical entity, There is always at least one row for an 'overall' physical entity. The following four values can mkb used for all kinds of entities. The transceiver module is not compatible with the interface card.

Not all entities support this object.

hh3c mib

Indicate the error state of this entity object. NMS must be compatible with the states which may be added in the hhh3c. If the temperature is lower too much than the entity needs, the entity will halt.


When temperature exceeds the critical temperature, a notification will be sent. This trap indicates mmib the voltage is higher than the fatal high threshold. The fatal low voltage threshold for the voltage sensor entity. The device manufacture information about a particular physical entity. Represents the possible values of alarm status. The information of trap. When no bits of this attribute are set, then none of the status conditions described below are present.


The average CPU usage for the entity in a period of time. When temperature exceeds the lower threshold, a notification will be sent and the entity will be shutdown. The nominal power of the entity expressed in milliWatts. Size of memory space for the entity. Represents the first trap time. This trap indicates that the voltage uh3c lower than the low threshold. In this condition, there will be a alarm light on the entity, the object should have the same status with it.

This module is NOT sold by authorized manufacturer. The current voltage in millivolts of the voltage sensor entity.

This is the physical attribute of entity. The index of hh3cEntityExtPowerTable.


This object provides a general idea of how busy a process caused the processor to be over a 5 minute period. The trap is generated when a removable entity removing from device. The memory type of entity.

hh3c mib

The ratio is calculated by the overall CPU usage caused by the process. It does not include the severity of alarms raised on child components. Imb value of shuttingDown means that usage is administratively limited to current instances of use. When the value of alarm outstanding is set, one or more alarms is active against the resource.

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